
• Umbrella company services • Payroll services • Tax Consultancy • Immigration Assistance •

Independent since 1975, home to almost 30 million citizens and endless natural resources, bordered by the Indian ocean in the southeastern of Africa, lays Mozambique a culturally diverse country strategically located surrounded by countries such as South Africa, Eswatini, Tanzania, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Mozambique counts with the ports in the capital – Maputo, Beira and Nacala. Ports which serve as a trade link with the surrounding countries with endless opportunities in so many different sectors – Agriculture, Oil and gas, education, tourism…

Ever since its independence back in 1975 Mozambique has been through so many different changes, including the 16-year civil war which ended in 1994. so many resources were discovered throughout the years, such as the most profitable one made by an Anadarko subsidiary back in the beginning of 2010 in the Rovuma basin of the coast of Northern Mozambique with the discovery of petrol and gas which opens the possibility of Mozambique becoming the 4th exporter of gas in the world and making a 100 billion dollars in revenue in the process. The discovery of this valuable resource also opens doors to every individual seeking investment opportunity in the continent, opportunities which have caught the attention of big players in the industry such as Exxon Mobil, Total energies, Sasol, and many other players of the several different investment industries.

If by any chance you are one of these potential investors seeking an opportunity to invest in Mozambique, decide you want to capitalize on these opportunities but are not willing to leave your country of origin or for any other reason you feel you can’t be in Mozambique full time. The umbrella company services Uniglo provides, is what could help you, not miss out. We could easily assist any individual considering capitalizing on these opportunities as everything is outsourced and would save you the stress that comes with moving to a new country (hiring a moving company, finding a new school for the kids and so on, simply being away from family and friends). And setting up a company from scratch the umbrella company services would cover your taxes, your employees’ taxes, and the companies’ taxes, all would be up to date. The payroll and all the other services required. The immigration process would also be no hassle as Uniglo would be able to assist the immigration side we would basically contact you to collect the documentation and soon after that call again to deliver you passport with the visa stamped on it, if you ever decide you want to be in Mozambique for a certain period, when setting up the company for instance, or be present in the process of running the company.

Contact us and we will gladly provide you with all the information you need to advance.

The Mozambique Petroleum Institute has awarded concessions for petroleum exploration to consortiums led by Sasol, Exxon Mobil, and Eni to explore onshore and offshore basins in places such as Zambezi and Angoche basins, The Korean Kogas group also plays a big role in Mozambique country is now not only known for its Cristal clear beach destinations. The conflict happening in the north of the country is a topic we will soon be addressing in more detail. Stay tuned.


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